Friday, June 1, 2007

Answers Lead to Questions

I've been on the surface for awhile, getting married and spending a honeymoon on Maui. I just got back to the Cavern and found out progress has been made during my absence! Darned Doug and Nick, running off and working while I'm away.

Apparently Doug spent the last couple weeks setting up a blind in Negilahn, and using it for observations. I'll hafta get the whole story, but from what I can tell, he not only found out what the predator was, but had an awefully close call with it. Seems it was the Bahro, a group of them, and they set him up. Mid attack he got rescued by another group of Bahro who showed up to fight the first group - do we have a Bahro civil war on our hands? The ramifications of that are terrifying!

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